Friday, October 5, 2007

Check your calenders...

We want to have the book group meet on the same day at the end of every month (skipping July and December). For most people interested, Monday is family night, Tuesday is Scouts, Wednesday is Mutual, Thursday is sometimes Enrichment, Friday is date night and Saturday is a special day...and night. What are your thoughts on timing? Would it be totally inappropriate to meet on the last Monday at 8:30? It's usually the most clear evening... and the kids are in bed by then... I have had mixed reactions, what do you think?


ducklips said...

I like it. I spoke w/ Stephen and Monday night after kids are in bed is a go for me.

Laurie said...

Monday Night sounds great!
Plan it.

megan said...

yeah any night pretty much works well for me right now.

Julie said...

8:30 is late enough to be past FHE -- at least for my family. Count me in.